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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Donna Hay Vanilla Cupcakes

Donna hay cupcakes

Just tried out the Donna Hay Vanilla Cupcake mix I got the other day.  I haven’t seen her kits back home, but had seen them advertised in her magazines.  So, of course I had to buy it and try it out.

Vanilla cupcake kit

So, in the box there are cupcake papers, a bag of cupcake mix and a bag of icing mix.  You have to add eggs, milk and butter.

Waiting to go in the oven

They take about 20 – 25 minutes to bake and the mixture makes 12.

cooling down cupcakes-1
Simon icing 
Simon iced them and truth be told, he did a very good job.  I think I am the one that needs practice.  I wasn’t allowed near them though, he told me off when I tried to ice some so I stuck to scooping icing out of the bowl and licking it off my finger :)

half iced finished


  1. I would like to confirm these cupcakes are delicious - especially the icing.


  2. I loooooooooooove Donna Hay! The cupcakes are gorgeous!
